Here's more of what other lenders don't want you to know...this is all about interest rates and interest rate quotes. Boring, huh? Uh, maybe not... thousands (yes, I said thousands) of dollars are at stake for a bad decision.
What's the right decision?
Hey Mitch, I want the lowest rate I can get...what is it right now?
Should I make one up or should I find out what I really need to know to quote an accurate rate? I could go either way but really...come on now.
This question and process is really nothing new to those of us that do this for a living, even in these times.
Honestly, the key is to get accurate information from our borrowers so we can make sure we're providing the best loan, the best rate, and the best fee structure based on specific borrower needs for a specific transaction.
OK Mitch, same old hoo-haw that I hear from every loan person out there...yeah, I get it; you're all special, you're all great and you're all looking out for my best interests....but aren't you more worried about your own pocketbook than mine?
Isn't that Hee-Haw? Anyway, heck, yes I'm worried about my pocketbook! Aren't we all? But my pocket book is a always takes care of itself based on conducting business the right way. Clients, associates, family and friends all need to know that any answer, or any strategy I recommend is based on accuracy, true knowledge, and is well planned. True knowledge comes only from experience and accurate interpretation of all facts material to the specific scenario being considered.
Wow, you sure do talk alot. Can I get an answer now please?
Here's your answer: Let's make sure we have the right information about you, and any property being considered. That's all I need to provide you an accurate quote.
How come I see all these quotes from lenders on the Internet and everywhere else without me having to give up my life story then?
All lenders can provide quotes based on "normal" or assumed parameters. I do this every day and provide "Daily Rates" to consumers and the financial communities. Want on this list? E-mail me and type "Rates" in the subject line. I'll add you. No hoo-haw.
The key is, how accurate are these quotes? Do the lenders provide true and accurate quotes based on real-life stuff, or are the quotes based on a loan that 1 person in a million may qualify for only while the tide is out at midnight on a Sunday?
Please don't tell me that lenders bend the truth....we all know that could never happen....
Wait a second while I get done laughing....OK, I'm ready....yikes. Can you say marketing? The sad truth is that you gotta get past the hype, the pie-in-the-sky too good to be true stuff.
There is no short cut to finding someone who knows what they're doing, and who you trust. If you don't know someone, how do you find this person?
Rely on word-of-mouth, your friends, associates, financial professionals, and your real estate person. Feel free to contact me anytime and judge for yourself.....I'm happy to help.
Until next time.....
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